Are you looking to create a "fancy" signature in Thunderbird with various font sizes, colours & styles? Also want to include your company logo?
Follow these steps:
1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird.
2. Go to the top menu and open a new message by clicking the Write button.
3. In the new message window, you can compose your email signature using a basic toolbar or, to adjust it to your needs, you can use available formatting options under the Insert and Format tabs as well.
4. Once the signature is composed, select all in the email body. You can do that by pressing the combination of Crtl+A on the keyboard or going to the Edit tab and then clicking the Select All option.
5. Once the whole signature has been selected, go to the Insert tab and then click the HTML… option.
6. In a new pop-up window, you should see your signature in form of HTML code. Copy this text and click Cancel as we do not want it to be inserted at this moment.
7. Now go to the Account settings. (to see a more detailed instruction on how to access them, please refer to step 2 in the previous method).
8. In the Account settings window, you need to paste the copied HTML code into the Signature text section. Please make sure that the Use HTML box is checked.
Note: Instead of composing your email signature in the email body, you can use this email signature generator, which really simplifies the process. When you have finished creating the signature, copy the HTML code from the signature generator and paste it into the Signature text section in Thunderbird.
9. Click OK to save changes.
10. Go to the main Thunderbird view and click the Write option to open a new message. Your email signature will be there.
From now on, you do not need to worry about creating a good-looking signature every time you want to send an email as your email signature is already inserted into the message body.
** CREDITS: Above steps taken from
CompuSave Computers Inc. is more than happy to assist you with your email setup. We do however charge for services rendered remotely, on-site and in-store.
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Posted: January 2020
Author: BK
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